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4 Results for "impostor syndrome"

3 Tips for Overcoming Self-Doubt Before Interviews

by Natalie Fisher | October 29, 2020

Self-doubt is something we all deal with at one point or another. Here are three tactics for dealing with it in the face of a big interview.

8 Wrong Reasons for Quitting Your Job

by Taylor Tobin via Fairygodboss | July 16, 2019

If you’re thinking of putting in your two-weeks-notice for any of these eight reasons, it's worth thinking twice before deciding quitting is the best way to achieve your goals.

Are You Suffering From Impostor Syndrome? [INFOGRAPHIC]

by Vault Careers | July 10, 2019

Impostor syndrome will affect 70 percent of people at some point in their lives—this flowchart can help you see what kind you suffer from, and how to combat it.

How Successful People Conquer Self-Doubt

by Melody Wilding | April 10, 2018

Impostor syndrome affects even highly accomplished people. So how do they deal with it?